Friday, June 18, 2010

Preschool Casanova

My son is a cutie. Not that I am biased in any way. He's got light ash brown hair and piercing blue eyes that can see right through you.

My son likes girls.

As a baby he would giggle on purpose to get a pretty girls attention. So I already knew I was in trouble in the girl department. But I didn't think we'd be here so soon.

A few months ago my husband gave my son a few pennies to play a game at work. He spent a few, but saved a few in his pocket. So we asked him about it and he said he was saving them for Amy. He also mentioned that he wanted to get her a pink flower because pink was her favorite color. Even though I thought it was super cute; I wasn't going to go out and buy a flower and make this into anything serious. However a week after that my little helper was putting out favor boxes at a baby shower and noticed that the flowers in the centerpieces were pink. He pulled me aside and whispered, "Mami, the flowers are pink". I said that's right buddy. "Mommy can I take a flower for Amy?" I said that they were not mine so I couldn't give him one. He mustered up the courage and asked the hostess, who of course said yes. We kept the flower in water overnight so that he could take it to school the next day.

The next day at school he walked in with the flower behind his back. The teacher asked who the flower was for and he whispered it to her. She made everyone close their eyes as he placed the flower in her hand. She then gave him a hug and he turned bright red. Adorable.

We'll the other day while driving home from school, he tells me that the love isn't there anymore with Amy. I asked him what happened and if she didn't want to be his friend anymore or if he didn't want to be her friend anymore. He said, " Both of us; We are separated." Where does he learn these words?

He was just moved to a new PreK4 class for the big kids and so I asked him if they moved Amy too and if she is his friend. He says, "Mommy I told you- we are separated." I asked him why they were not friends anymore and he told me that it was because she was a liar. Apparently she claimed that Winnie the Pooh's name in Spanish was Tata. I said, "Is that the only reason?" She also claimed that her mommy didn't want her to be friends with him. Which to me sounded like the preschool version of "It's not you.- It's me."

Here we are again. On the drive home two weeks ago he said, "Mommy can I take a flower to school for Ludmila?" Ludmilla is in his new class and she is older. We picked a beautiful Plumeria from our tree, but after he professed his intentions she reavealed that she wants to marry someone else.

He took it well and has moved on to Estella.

If this is what we are dealing with at four what can I expect at 14?

God help me. I always thought that I would be a really cool Mom when it came to my childs interests, but I remember the moment they placed my son in my arms and I looked into his eyes. The first thing that crossed my mind was- "No woman is ever going to be good enough for you."

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Picky Eater

If your kids are anything like my little one, you have the deepest conversations while driving around. He may ask, "Mommy does Hulk have a wife or kids?" or "When can I become Spiderman?" These are the deep musings of a four year old.

Well on this especially long drive he says, "Mommy, What is mucus for?". My husband and I give each other a look. Let's see where do I begin? Sometimes I feel like a need a Phd for some of these questions.

I begin to explain that there are little hairs within the nose that help to filter the air and catch larger particles too keep them from entering the lungs and that the liquid mucus also traps germs and dust from entering the lungs and our body so that we don't get sick. So we said, " Buddy this is why we always tell you not to pick your nose and eat your boogers. You are letting these germs into your body"

He gets really quiet and then says, "I understand!- I understand now! Why didn't you tell me all of this sooner. If you would have told me sooner...(he pauses). Oh my God! I could have died!