Thursday, August 18, 2011

Naptime Sabotage

Most mom's relish those 45 minutes to 2 hours (if your lucky) that their little angel closes his little eyes and fades away to dreamland.  Some Mom's worship this time.  Their entire days revolve around this daily ritual.

I too hoped and prayed for this brief time of rest.  I tried to be consistant, set a restful mood.  I tried forcing him.  Driving around in the car.  I had some successes.  There were times I was lucky and got around 45 minutes. 

But to tell you the truth.  When my son is in my care he never takes a nap.  I will not allow it. 

You see when my son takes a nap something happens.  Someone else steps into his little body while he sleeps.  He falls asleep my sweet little boy and wakes up another thing altogether.  I don't recognize him at all.  It's a classic Jekel and Hide.

As he rouses himself from slumber I would say a quicky prayer that maybe he wasn't possesed today.  I would slowly open the door and try to make his rising a good and wonderful thing.  I would crawl into bed and gently stroke his hair.  "Hi there sunshine."  But it was no use. 

It starts with tossing and turning.  Whining and crying.  He doesn't want me in the room, he doesnt want me to leave.  He doesn't want to get up and he doesn't want to lay down.  Everything is no and the whining is through the roof.  He doesn't want to go to the park and the simplest word makes him cry. 

This after naptime ritual can last as long as the nap.  Truly not worth the 45 minutes of peace during the nap.  It was more like the calm before the storm.

If he starts to doze off I cough, I talk, I'll sing.  I'll tickle. 

There will be no afternoon shut eye on my watch. 

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